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1 min read
7 Easter Bible Verses
With Easter right around the corner I wanted to share some favorite Bible verses that point to the Resurrection and inspire reflection on...
3 min read
How to Pray after a Friendship Ends
An incredibly earnest and honest comment came in in response to an article I wrote about ending friendships. The response was about the...
3 min read
Praying through suffering
Scripture: "Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy." Psalm 130:1-2 "By...
2 min read
The Easiest Way to Pray
"In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly." 1 Samuel 1:10 Whenever I get sick, I always think my body is trying to...
1 min read
10 October Journal Prompts to Deepen your Prayer Life
What is something you are celebrating? What is something you need to take time to mourn? What is something you are looking forward to?...
2 min read
5 Breath Prayers from Scripture (Part 2)
How and Why Breath Prayers Work: Breathing our prayers is a great way to engage with the Word of God while also using the science behind...
3 min read
Do my prayers really make a difference?
Do my prayers really make a difference? Intercession (a fancy word for praying for others) is powerful. So powerful, I think...
5 min read
"Why are you so afraid?"
Scripture: Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves...
2 min read
Bible Verses to Memorize to Remember your Worth
Memorizing scripture is critical to success as a believer. The Word tells us to meditate on the Word day and night (Joshua 1:8). But in a...
3 min read
How Jesus handles expectations and disappointment
Have you ever had grand visions and expectations for something and then it didn't turn out the way you had hoped? Disappointment hurts....
3 min read
Are you tackling a spiritual problem with the wrong tools?
If you stopped by my house today you would find me covered in dust and sweaty while wearing funny looking work goggles. I've spent the...
2 min read
How to pray bigger and better prayers
As a natural communicator and lover of words, I love to pray. There are certain things that I truly believe only prayer can accomplish...
3 min read
Meeting God in your Mind
I'm kind of a nerd. I love to read. I devour podcasts. I love to learn. If school was free I would stay in school forever and always...
3 min read
Dreaming with God: Scripture to Pray Over your Craziest Dreams
A year (ish) ago I was a girl with a whiteboard and a dream. I felt discontent, and I was sitting in what I have since started calling a...
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