
Threshold: Entering into a Holy Place
What to expect...
Every Monday morning, you’ll be invited to cross the threshold with us and enter into a holy place.
Even the mundane moments are made holy when they are filled with the presence and peace of Jesus. Your free weekly email devotional is an invitation to read, to show up, to encounter the God who made you and knows you and loves you.
It’s an opportunity to enter into a holy place, to encounter God. My prayer is that God would use it and move through it for you.
"Threshold" is an invitation to step through the door and enter into a holy place and embrace the "more" God has for us.
Whether you’re in the middle of starting a business and trying to figure out how to pay your taxes, or navigating an uncertain journey towards who God called you to be when you can’t even figure out how to meal plan, you’re welcome here.
Use your next step to enter into a holy place with your Creator. Come, read, be filled, then go and transform your community and the world in a way that only you can.
Let’s enter into the holy moments together!