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5 Ways to Spend your Time to Thrive in your Faith | Christian Life Toolkit

This week we are going to explore 5 ways to spend your time to thrive in your faith.

Our time on earth is limited, so as Mary Oliver writes, "what are you going to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Here are 5 ways to spend your time to thrive in your faith this year:

  1. In the Word

This should be obvious! One of the best ways to grow as a Christian is to spend time in the Word of God. If you've been a Christian for many years, you likely have a Bible reading routine that works for you. This year, I challenge you to ask God to empower you to increase in this area. It might not be more time, but maybe it's more insight in the same amount of time. "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18).

2. In Prayer

Prayer doesn't have to be formal heads bowed and eyes closed moments. Prayer can and should be an ongoing conversation with God throughout your day.

Set up routines and habits for prayer and challenge yourself to spend more time in prayer this year. This could mean reaching out to an accountability partner, praying for a specific person each week, or setting a timer to pray for a certain amount of time.

Prayer is meant to connect us with God, and as you make space to connect with Him you'll see your faith thrive. "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving" (Colossians 4:2).

3. In Relationships

Per the first post in this series we know that spending time with other people is important for spiritual growth. God has designed for our spiritual growth to happen in community. I am a bit of a homebody so I get wanting to stay home in your comfy PJs, but challenge yourself to say yes to invitations and to send more invitations. Surround yourself with relationships to help you grow and flourish this year and intentionally invest time in those relationships.

4. In Service

Service is such an important aspect of growing in our faith but often overlooked. God has been infinitely generous to us and we should eagerly respond in service. Look for opportunities to serve others this year. If you're able to commit to a service opportunity on a regular basis this can be incredibly helpful in creating a habit of serving regularly.

5. In Work

When my husband and I bought our fixer-upper I was so excited God had gifted us a place to steward. It became a clear picture to me of what it looks like to steward something (like a house) and to leave it better than you found it. For our house, that's been lots of DIY updates. For our faith lives, that means looking at what God has given you to do whether it's a desk job, a couple of kiddos to take care of, or a work of art to create. Spend your time faithfully working unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23-24)and you will grow in your faith.

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