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Writer's pictureMrsMollyWilcox

Friendship Breakups: What does the Bible say about ending friendships?

Updated: May 18, 2024

I used to have a pretty idyllic vision about what my friendships would look like but as with a lot of things in my life, I realized

my expectations weren't aligned with God's promises.

I went through a painful and unexpected friendship break up that left my head spinning.

Am I worthy of friendship?

Why do I always feel like the girl without her "people"?

Did I do something wrong?

Is this God's plan for friendships?

Maybe you've asked yourself one of these questions.

I went on a search through my Bible to understand God's vision and promises for us in friendship, a journey I'm still on, and I wanted to share some of my insights with you.

What does the Bible say about ending friendships?

1. Friendships can be seasonal

We are told there is a time for everything, "a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend," (Ecclesiastes3:1-8) but when I read through those verses, I think I'd love to keep all the dancing parts, but I'd rather toss out the mourning aspect.

In friendships, it's so fun to get to know new people and to find kindred spirits. But it's intense and scary to think about walking away from a relationship that we've invested our time and hearts in.

Yet, the Bible is clear about how seasonal life is, and this includes our friendships.

Some friends might last you a lifetime, but some friends might come in and out of your life, or walk through just one sweet season with you. You can joyfully end friendships when you sense God leading you into a new season. There is a time for everything, including ending a friendship.

2. Bad company corrupts good morals

A good friend should draw you near Jesus. We are warned that bad company corrupts good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33) and in this, I think God was giving us permission to end a friendship. Today's culture tells us to leave any relationship that isn't serving us, and that isn't what this means. Just because you're frustrated or disappointed with a friend doesn't mean it's time to walk away.

Some friendships will be refined by seasons of wrestling and difficulty.

But, if a friend is consistently showing up to gossip, tear you down, or influencing you in a way that negatively impacts your walk with Jesus, it might be time to create some distance.

Even someone with the very best character will be impacted by the company they keep.

One of my favorite quotes is to

"surround yourself with people who you want to become."

Use this to evaluate your relationships by considering if the people you're around are people who you want to be influenced by.

3. God wants to do a new thing!

When I transitioned out of some friendships, I was terrified. I was comfortable and known in those relationships (even with the dysfunction in them) and I didn't want to let go. But God reminded me that He was doing a new thing (Isaiah 43:19) and I needed to make space for it.

We only have a limited number of hours in the day, and realistically we can only invest in a certain amount of people and things.

As a multi-passionate person, this is a challenging one for me. But Jesus modeled for us a variety of levels of trust and relationships during His time on earth. He prioritized time with the Father, and He would send the crowds away (Matthew 15:38). He had boundaries in His relationships, and was aware of how He was investing His time.

God might call you to end a friendship because it's drawing you away from Him.

Friendships come to natural end dates simply because everything is seasonal. And ultimately, we don't have unlimited time to invest in our friendships so we have to use our time wisely, considering how the Spirit wants us to spend it first and foremost. Invest in the friendships God is calling you to invest in.

Have you had to end a friendship before? How did you see God at work in it?

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Ready for God to do more in your friendships? Order a copy of my book "How Much More?" today!


Anthony B
Anthony B
Jul 05, 2024

I’m not a super spiritual person per se, but I do not find anywhere in the Bible that says we have a right to write people off? Being a disciple of Jesus sometimes means doing what is very difficult for you, not difficult for Christ in you, but difficult for your old sin nature — your flesh — to accept and act upon. My experience has been that Christians who are lazy tend to make excuses instead of humbling ourselves, being vulnerable, and making the effort to work through conflicts. Is it because they’re spiritually immature? I see a lot of adult babes in Christ!

It’s really a struggle to walk in the Spirit sometimes, but that’s essentially what …


Loni Doro
Loni Doro
Jun 30, 2024

My friend of 13 years just recently said she could not continue our friendship right now. I live in Iowa and recently my step dad passed away. I traveled to Georgia for the funeral which is where my friend lives. I was only in Georgia for 3 days. Monday-Wednesday to be exact. The funeral was on Tuesday and I was supposed to go over to her house after the funeral. I texted her after the funeral and said would you be mad if I didn’t come over. (I was so emotionally drained) She said no, of course not. Later that evening she said we can’t be friends right now because she did all this stuff (prepped) for me to show…

Juanima Hiatt
Juanima Hiatt
Aug 19, 2024
Replying to

Loni, I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry that your friend responded that way. I don't know what she had planned for you, but a good friend should offer flexible support in such an emotionally draining time. Taking care of your mom after losing her husband was a priority, but somewhere in there, you need to take care of yourself, too. I'm sure your friend was excited to see you, but rather than end your friendship, I feel a good friend would express her disappointment, but be understanding and just want to support you where you were at. If it was me, I would have said I was really looking forward to seeing you, and what if you…


Jun 24, 2024

I have a friend who me and her got very close I mean inseparable and we lost our jobs together and continued working together for another half a year we actually both found God on our own but somehow we were dealing with simalar situations even tho we didn’t know. We started going to church together also but she started falling back into old ways of things and it did scare me because I didn’t want to move on in my walk without her but I’m realizing that I was putting my identity in her and not God. I learned to put my trust in only God and not my best friend. She has been away from God for almost…


Jun 20, 2024

Please pray for me to be blessed with good committed friendship. I recently had a friendship of twenty something years end and I don't know why. It seems like people just stop communicating with me. People never have the courage to explain why they're separating themselves from me. This really hurts. I going through a hard time in my marriage too. I'm also, trying to figure out if what I had were really friendships. If all you do is communicate to a person via text messages and there isn't any face to face contact, are these really friendships? I'm asking God to keep me and heal my heart from all the lost friendship and a lack of love from m…

S. DaSilva
S. DaSilva
Sep 18, 2024
Replying to

I feel like I could’ve wrote this exact comment. All of it. You’re not alone and you’re in my prayers. Humans need and should have face to face contact, real and vulnerable interaction and connection. You deserve that and I pray God provides you with that friend/community.


Alice Wingerden
Alice Wingerden
Apr 18, 2024

Thank you! A longtime friendship ended for me yesterday because we have gone in different directions with our beliefs. This article helped me remind me it can all be used for his good and his glory.

May 18, 2024
Replying to

I'm so sorry you experienced this Alice. It's always so difficult even when it is necessary. Keep following God's direction in your life! (:

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