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3 min read
How to Pray for Healing
The first time I was in the room when someone experienced healing from God I was completely amazed. In my experience at the church I had...

3 min read
How to Live from the Resurrection Every Day
Once the Easter Sunday church service is over, your Easter table is empty, and the leftovers are in the fridge and you are ready to...

1 min read
7 Easter Bible Verses
With Easter right around the corner I wanted to share some favorite Bible verses that point to the Resurrection and inspire reflection on...

5 min read
What I Learned about God in my First Trimester
My husband and I just hit the milestone of five years of marriage in early March. We love our little yellow house in Franklin, TN. Our...

6 min read
Watching from a Window | Chapter 12 of "How Much More?"
Whether you're incredibly clear on what you hope and dream for your life or you're stuck in confusion, we've all had those moments where...

3 min read
5 Habits to Help you Thrive in your Faith | Christian Life Toolkit
There's a Christian influencer who posts these gorgeous videos on Christian morning routines and Christian habits. Everything she wears...

3 min read
5 Prayers to Pray to Thrive in your Faith | Christian Life Toolkit
Alongside reading God's Word, prayer is something we know we should be doing as Christians. But when your faith isn't on fire and you...

3 min read
5 Scripture Reading Practices to Thrive in your Faith | Christian Life Toolkit
The popular advice continually given to Christians who are hungry to know more of God is that they should read their Bible. I'm a huge...

3 min read
5 People to Find to Thrive in your Faith | Christian Life Toolkit
It's 2023 and we are jumping into a new series I'm calling your Christian life toolkit! Whether you're a new believer or have been...

2 min read
He will be called Prince of Peace
The final name we hear for Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 is "prince of peace." This verse is often used around Christmastime and you have probably...

2 min read
He will be called Everlasting Father
So far we've been introduced to Jesus as "wonderful counselor" and "mighty God." Next up we learn He is called "everlasting Father."...

3 min read
5 Ways to Put Jesus First for Thanksgiving
Something that surprises people about me is that I didn't grow up as a Christian. I grew up with a lot of Christian values, but I didn't...

3 min read
Keeping Consistent Habits as a Christian in a Season of Transition | Seasons of Transition
If you've been keeping up with this series, so far you've grieved the losses of your last season, you've received vision for the next...

3 min read
Taking Sharp Turns and Small Steps | Seasons of Transition
There are lots of different types of transitions in life, but I see two main types of transitions in the Bible. You have probably seen...

2 min read
Book Review: Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard
If you love deep theology chats and want more from Christianity than simply "getting into heaven" then Dallas Willard's book "Renovation...

2 min read
Letting Go of People in a Season of Transition
Have you ever experienced an incredible gift from God and all you can do is shout it from the rooftops and let everyone else know about...

3 min read
Receiving Vision for your Next Season | Seasons of Transition
Recently, I experienced what it would be like to be blind for the first time. My husband and I went canyoning in Croatia. Suited up in...

3 min read
Grieving the Loss of the Last Season | Seasons of Transition
Fall has always been my favorite season, but in Middle Tennessee it's especially gorgeous. It's still beautiful and warm, so you can't...

3 min read
Everyone is a sinner | Stuff the Bible doesn't say
This summer I taught a class on how to write a nonfiction book proposal. Before we got into the deep work of going through the "how-tos"...

3 min read
All things are possible if you believe | Stuff the Bible doesn't say
When I first became a part of a Charismatic church and shared with other friends that I considered myself a charismatic Christian there...
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