Meet our first guest writer, Macie!

About Macie:
Macie Moseley is a lover of words, connection and french fries. A member of the social media team at Proverbs 31 Ministries, Macie is passionate about using social media to connect women with one another and with God. While a Tennessee girl at heart, Macie resides in Charlotte, NC with her husband James and her goldendoodle Charley. To connect with Macie, follow her @messagefrommace or visit her website,
"Don’t let this throw you. You trust God, don’t you? Trust me." John 14:1 (MSG)
"Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light. From now on our troubles will be out of sight.”
Let your heart be light...
Most days, my heart feels anything but light.
I’m constantly trying to make sure everything is under control, things are taken care of, everyone is OK and I’m prepared for whatever may come. So I fret. And I obsess. And I try to manage things that aren’t mine to carry.
And I wind up with a heavy heart and a stressed out soul.
But I don’t think that’s what God wants for me. I think He wants me to do something that’s scary and hard for me. He wants me to trust.
Trust His sovereignty...
Trust that others are capable...

Trust that “unknown” doesn’t automatically mean bad... Trust Him.
I don’t have to know it all.
I don’t have to plan for every possible outcome.
I don’t have to obsess over what people think of me. I don’t have to carry this weight that no one is asking me to hold.
"Don’t let this throw you. You trust God, don’t you? Trust me. " John 14:1 (MSG)
So this Christmas, I’m going to try to trust. My troubles may not be out of sight (because let’s be honest, are they ever for an #Enneagram6?!) But I can let my heart be light by choosing to trust.
Who’s with me?!
Journaling Prompts:
-What does choosing to trust God look like for you today? Write down a specific area you are choosing to trust Him in.
-What makes your heart feel heavy today? Acknowledge it and release it to God.
-What is something that helps you move from feeling heavy and burdened to feeling light?
Action Step:
Focus on acknowledging and releasing one thing that makes you feel heavy to God today. It might be a continual process throughout your day. You might want to meditate on the verse to encourage yourself to trust God instead.
Hey God, Thank you for being a God whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light. With you, we are promised a life that is light as you carry us. Help us to surrender and entrust the things that feel heavy to you today. Guide us into deeper trust this season. Amen.

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