“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” Acts 2:46-47
Later this week, many of us will find ourselves at tables sharing meals with loved ones as we come together for a time of tradition and celebration. There is something special about sharing moments with other people.
Part of what makes a moment special is usually not just the moment itself, but also the people who are present for it. Maybe that’s why coming up with a guest list is one of the most difficult parts of planning a wedding.
Our virtual world is set up to easily be shared. I’m often inviting others into moments of my life through photos and videos, and I’m eager to capture those moments when they’re happening because my tendency is to want to share them.
But I think we need to be careful to not let that become a substitute to the truly holy and important moments we are invited to share with God and with one another.
If you look through my photos from our time living in Colorado, you’ll see a lot of mountaintop moments and the ends of epic hikes. But you won’t see the lonely, still quiet moments when it was just us in our little condo with the fireplace waiting out a snow storm outside.
God was present in both of those moments, and some of my most holy moments with Him happened in prayer in the quiet, still, almost secret moments.
But years later, I’ll find myself in the midst of an answered prayer and I’ll go back to that moment, the moment when I prayed and I’ll ask my husband if he remembers when we were praying about the promise we are living in because he was there for both the moments before the promise, and what it looks like now.
Sharing those moments, and collectively having a history of testimonies to share with friends and families is truly special.
With my college friends, I love catching up and reliving those old conversations we’d had.
“Remember when we were daydreaming about this in class? Remember when we were talking about that in your dorm room? How crazy that God showed up…”
I hope you have those moments with your family and friends around your table this thanksgiving. I hope that you take time to remember, and to give thanks with glad and sincere hearts for all of the ways that God has shown up for you and for the people in your life.
When we watch how God set up the church in the New Testament, we see how communal it is. It’s communal in a way that is deeper and more profound than sharing your highlights on social media. (Which I still love doing, by the way.)
I know you are having holy moments in your daily life. I know God is showing up for you, reminding you of who you are and who He is and how much He loves you. Don’t just tuck them away and keep them for yourself. Your moments with Him matter.
I’m not recommending that you overshare, Jesus Himself showed us He had varying levels of intimacy with different people (the crowds, the twelve, the three).
But I am recommending that you invite other people into your moments of encounter with God, maybe by sharing a testimony or sharing a prayer request, because it’s so much sweeter when it’s shared.
Journaling Prompts:
-Think of a moment where you encountered God on your own. Did you later share about the experience with someone else? Why/why not?
-Think of a moment you have shared in praising God with someone else. What do you notice about the experience?
-How can you allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen your community through you?
Action Step:
Think of something specific you are praying for in your life. Think of one person who you can invite on that journey with you.
Hey God, thank you for being the ultimate example of community for us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Help us to be bold and vulnerable in sharing more of you with others, as we share about how you have impacted and loved us. Let our communities look like your original vision and design for community. Amen.
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